A few months ago London Cyclist reader, Claire, approached me for advice on wearing masks whilst cycling to block fumes. Fortunately, at the same time, Francis from http://totobobo.com/ got in touch with me, asking if I wanted to review their cycling mask.
Putting two and two together, I thought it would be an interesting experiment to get Claire’s reactions. I’ll warn you, her results are a little bit disgusting..
Should I wear a Cycling Mask?
At the beginning of April I was suffering with a sore throat that was worse in the morning and evening – a trip to see my GP confirmed that it was a reaction to London pollution that I was sucking in during my 12 mile commute twice a day.
I had previously and sporadically used a Respro mask which is the only anti-pollution mask that I’ve found in the UK – but I used it sporadically because it has several big drawbacks for me:
- The mask itself is pretty big on a girl’s face and can chafe my skin. It’s like wearing a muzzle and covers most of my face, plus the velcro is very strong and keeps getting caught in my hair.
- Even using the ‘sports’ filter makes it exceptionally difficult to breathe in sufficient amounts of air when going at speed, leaving me heaving like a fish out of water.
- The amount of condensation produced inside the mask is incredible – after a couple of miles at a decent pace, my nose felt as though it was submerged, and when breathing hard, condensation was projected out of the mask – when going fast it occasionally splattered all over my shades!
So, in desperation, I emailed the London Cyclist blog and asked Andreas if anyone had any ideas about alternatives – then he put me in touch with Totobobo.
Testing the Classic and SuperCool Totobobo Pollution Masks
Totobobo sent me 2 different masks, the Classic and the SuperCool – both made of very lightweight soft rubber with 2 small round white filters that sit on either side of the face. The masks come with instructions on how to cut the rubber to suit your face – initially I was a little concerned about cutting too much of my Classic away, but eventually after much cautious trimming I fashioned a mask that covered my mouth and nose and felt comfortable.
Riding home with it on was interesting – people in London are generally used to seeing cyclists wearing Respro masks and resembling Darth Vader, but here I was looking as though I had forgotten to take off my surgical mask. I got loads of odd looks and questions about how good it was.
The answer is that I highly recommend Totobobo (apart from the name, which is impossible to make anyone understand whilst actually wearing it!). When I got home I checked the filters and was amazed to see that even in 30 minutes the pristine white had turned to sludgy grey.
I am quite horrified by this amount of pollution in London – I only wear each pair of filters for 2 or 3 days, by which time they are nearly black. With the Respro mask, until you’ve worn it for a couple of months you just don’t see any change of colour and probably don’t replace the filter when you should.
There is a little condensation produced by both the Classic and SuperCool, but the SuperCool doesn’t cover your nose, so there’s even less with that one. The thin straps fit behind your ears and afford a surprisingly secure fit and there’s a alternative strap that fits both masks but is a little more complicated than just fitting around your ears.
There are also different filters – a matrix filter and 2 different grades of particulate filter – 94% and 96% – both are easy to breathe through and the 96% gives a slightly higher grade protection from particulates.
Cycling Face Mask Summary
So, in summary, buy a Totobobo and breathe easy – I’ve discovered just how horrifying London pollution is, and I value my lungs. Since I have been using my Totobobo my sore throat has disappeared – that makes me happy!
Thanks to Francis for the masks that were supplied for review and Claire for putting together her thoughts.
Does anyone else wear a cycling mask? What sort of results are you getting?
Edit: A couple of people are pointing out you may get similar results just sat in a car in traffic or on the underground. A valid point and I didn’t mean this post to be a scientific experiment. Just one users thoughts.
my issue is that I’m asthmatic, and it’s been getting worse recently. The mixture of cold air in winter (Edinburgh, so already getting pretty nippy) and car fumes gets very painful to breathe in pretty fast, and I was thinking a mask might help to warm the air slightly or filter out the pollution. I’ve used a Respro in the past – the smallest size – but because I’m small and have quite a bony face I can’t seem to get it to fit snugly enough – the out-breaths just seem to come out of the mask along the top of my cheekbones and fog my glasses up, so I end up having to stop because I can’t see anything. Anyone got any advice for these circumstances?!
Hi Sarah, you may consider to get a foam strip with sticky back to enhance the seal along the inside of the Respro mask, only drawback is that the foam strip may get dirty over time and which is not easy to clean.
Totobobo mask can help to warm the air before breathing in. All our recent models can be “ReShape” to give a very good seal for different face shape and sizes. More here: http://totobobo.com/blog/2013/08/heat-moulding-totobobo-mask-to-optimize-protection-and-comfort/
get the “M” (smaller size).
After wearing out an “L” size and I use to have some of your issues, I ordered another one and by mistake ordered the “M” one: voila`, all problems gone! (Only the strap is a bit short but I fixed it). And I`m a 1.76, mid built men , according to Respro indication I should use the larger size….
Block the valves permanently with something. Quite easy, cut out something, put it in so they are pushed and cannot open.
All the above are passive masks and the uzers still need to exert lung pressure to overcome the filtration resistance to air flow. You should try this : http://www.ecbreathe.com which is an active powered adaptor for N95 masks. It uses battery power to overcome the filtration and the user would not feel any discomfort/stuffiness with the use of the mask. It supplies up to 700 litres of flitered air per hour.
Has anyone here tried cycling with an S10 or a GSR. I know that it may seem like overkill but I’ve tested some so called pollution masks and they fail to keep out PM10s
Sight is important when cycling in an urban area, so I wouldn’t use a full face mask. You may also end up listening to your own breathing – not ideal when sound is also a clue as to danger or at least risk (those silent new buses or a motorcyclist in a hurry). But I get your point about the particulates and gases.
Hi, i live in turin italy and i everyday wear a normal 3m mask with ffp2 protection..
it work spretty well, but it’s absolutely not for sports…
so ill try what you conseil..
A new review by Martie, she use a bicycle to travel around in London. Martie customize her mask by adding a second layer of the filter. I feel it may be too restricted for breathing but it seems to work for her just fine. http://totobobo.com/blog/2014/07/3083/
Hi – this is a useful article, thank you.
I was about to buy one then I decided to do some more research. And I’m left with a question – it might look impressive but – does the mask actually do any good?
Looking at the Wikipedia article on particulate matter (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Particulates) it says “airborne particulates a Group 1 carcinogen. Particulates are the deadliest form of air pollution due to their ability to penetrate deep into the lungs and blood streams unfiltered, causing permanent DNA mutations, heart attacks, and premature death”. It also says that “The smaller PM2.5 were particularly deadly, with a 36% increase in lung cancer per 10 μg/m3 as it can penetrate deeper into the lungs” and “The smallest particles, less than 100 nanometers (nanoparticles), may be even more damaging to the cardiovascular system.[45] Nanoparticles can pass through cell membranes and migrate into other organs, including the brain. Particles emitted from modern diesel engines (commonly referred to as Diesel Particulate Matter, or DPM) are typically in the size range of 100 nanometers (0.1 micrometer).”
According to the image on the maker’s UK distributor (http://www.totobobo.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/totobobo.gif) the mask filters down to 0.3 micrometres (aka microns).
So, it would seem, that the mask does a pretty good job at producing something that you can look at the think it’s saving your life and filtering out the stuff that your nose and respiratory can deal with unaided. But does it actually filter out the stuff that is dangerous!
Hi James, the Totobobo filter will filter out any fine particles, regardless it is harmful or not. It does not know which particle is harmful and which is not. For a more scientific report about the filter, please refer to this recent post: http://totobobo.com/blog/2014/07/latest-filter-test-report-from-nelson-labs/
Of course the filter don’t ‘know’ which are the harmful and which the benign particles. My point is that the advertising image I cited says the mask filters to 0.3 micron; the Wikipedia article suggests that particles smaller than that are the most deadly. So unless your filter filters particles of 0.1 micron or better, it’s use would appear to be little more than cosmetic. The Nelson labs report appears to say that your filter does do a good job at filtering to 0.1 micron – yet the image I cited still says it only filters to 0.3. If you can categorically state that the filter filters to 0.1 micron (or better) then I will consider it to be a worthwhile purchase. If you can’t, then I struggle to understand its value.
The information on the image (0.3 micron) (http://www.totobobo.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/totobobo.gif) was refer to the test in Prince Edward Hospital in Hong Kong. 0.3 micron particle size was used during that test. You can see the published result here: http://www.journalofhospitalinfection.com/article/S0195-6701(10)00033-2/abstract
The Nelson Lab test was done AFTER the hospital test, and that was performed with 0.1 micron particle size. Totobobo filter is effective for both particle sizes.
Possibly because although the little stuff is more toxic, the bigger stuff is not healthy for you and one may well die eventually of having inhaled too many 0.1 particulates (or 0.2) but at least one may be healthier for not having the bigger bits in you for the rest of your life. So I suppose less sore throats…
Totobobo runs into one issue in sub-zero temperatrures. The moisture from my breath was freezing on the filters, eventually blocking them.
Hi Marc, where are you using the mask? London?
Found this link by one of the Totobobo user from Alaska. Pamela Bumsted has been using the mask for 5~6 years in sub-zero temperature. In really cold weather, it may be necessary to cover the mask (and your face) with a face warmer.
Exhaled moisture is big problem – it actually reduces the effectiveness of the electrostatic layer in the filter that retains the pollutants.
Should try ecbreathe – this active device not only overcomes the resistance to air flowing through the filter but also diverts the exhaled gas away from the filter, thus prolonging its useful life. Also it should help with your situation in sub-zero temperature. See http://www.ecbreathe.com.
What about us bearded folks? Has anyone designed something for us?
Hi Timber, for bearded folks, you need “powered respirator” which use a fan to draw filtered air into the respirator continuously. Some images here: https://www.google.com.sg/search?q=powered+respirator&espv=2&biw=1920&bih=1104&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=QRk8VejxI8vmuQTZkYGoCA&ved=0CBsQsAQ&dpr=0.75
All these powered masks are industrial grade and costly & bulky. You should try this consumer product ECBreathe : http://www.ecbreathe.com
Omg stop trying to sell your products.
How about this?
LOL !!
Delightful comment :)))
Hi guys I have just been reading these posts about cycling masks.
With the lovely winter just around the corner,I have been looking for something that will stop my cheeks from freezing and also get me noticed.
Then I found the Slipknot mask section on eBay ,so I can get something to protect my face and also scare the shit out of the early hours cars drivers who are still asleep or on their phones (what happened here then sir ? I don’t know officer but a cyclist with a devil face banged on my window, ok sir just blow in here please)
Let’s all get one,I live in Dudley so let me know what you all get up to
You should get an ECBreathe powered mask (see http://www.ecbreathe.com). This hi-tech product provides large amount of clean filtered air without your lungs spending extra effort to overcome the filter resistance to air flow. Come to the new age!
I use the Respro during the Summer with a high pollutant and allergy filter. In the winter I switch to the Cold Weather Mask sold by Healthy House. I don’t ride a bicycle though, as I use the mask because I don’t have any nose hair due to Alopecia. The later mask has elastic that fixes round the ears and warms the air up into the lungs.
The problem I have with the Respro is the bits around the neck, which you have to wear relatively tightly to get the front part right. Also the nose metal piece does break over time. I’d love that mask with ear fixings instead of the neck. I now have to see the Physio with crumbling of the neck bones and I wonder how much it’s aggravated by the Respro.
I’m interested in the totobobo mask but will it seal if you have a beard?
Depends on the texture and thickness of the beard, the face seal will be compromised to various degree.
Water condensation inside the mask can improve the seal. I know one user put Vaseline on his facial hair to enhance the seal.
Just bought a US army cold weather mask from Military 1st,it cost £6 something and does a good job while making you look like an axe murderer
For what it’s worth; I looked at customer reviews of Respro Techno vs this Totobobo and the Respro was 4/5 stars and the Totobobo was ONE/5 stars. Maybe look for yourself…
No sure which review you are referring to. A quick search on the largest online store in China (tmall.com), where pollution mask is a must have:
Respro rating 4.8/5 based on 4 reviews
Totobobo rating 4.8/5 based on 1717 reviews
Who remembers just getting on your bike and riding away?
These days you have to stow your heavy arse D-lock, put on the high-vis, put on the helmet, turn on the cameras, turn on multiple sets of lights in day light to catch the eye of blind texting drivers. And after all that is done we’re on our way to developing lung disease because we’re chasing a healthy and environmentally friendly life style. Perhaps we just want cheap transport. Which turns out not to be so cheap after buying all the gear.
I have recently bought one of these masks and it does not work for me. I did follow the instructions to mould it to my face, but I did not manage: breath comes up from the nose right behind my glasses which is rather annoying as I cannot see anything.
Plus the amount of air is so little that it becomes unbearable as soon as you speed up a little.
For me this was a wast of time (trying to mould it) and money
Ha! Great post Kevin Lynch and oh so true.
Now then, is there no help for the bearded? I don’t want to exacerbate the situation, which Kevin describes,
by strapping breathing equipment to my back. So, at a time when beards are proliferating (perhaps not among the cycling “fraternity”) could the manufacturers not turn a little attention to the hirsute wheeler.
Maybe my goatee and ‘tache must go for the sake of my lungs.
Hi Brendan, just noticed your comment. Sorry for such a late reply.
You are right that beard can affect the seal and subsequently the protection offered by a pollution mask. Here is a testimonial from a bearded Totobobo user for your reference:
Hail fellow cyclists,
Last year I became ill, from early May. I suffered from a set of symptoms that I now recognise as traffic pollution poisoning. They included a recurring chest infection, loss of appetite and horrible debilitation that meant I could only work part time, sometimes not at all (gig economy) My health and my funds dwindled.
I visited a doctor, we had never met before because I seldom go to the doctor, I now believe that he made unfair assumptions on my profile.
I am a middle-aged woman, true. I am also an ex-cancer patient (non-aggressive) and a single mother who made very healthy life-style choices decades ago. As well as being otherwise fit and active I have enjoyed a very healthy vegan diet for 12 years.
I now believe that this doctor could not imagine that I actually cycle as much as I do around London. I also believe that he felt that someone of my age should just expect to be unhealthy and go away.
Can I get a witness?
I suffered from traffic pollution poisoning in 2004 in India. My set of symptoms were similar. It started with a sore throat which I thought was a virus. It continued for one week. I thought then it was bacterial so I took some amoxicillin. I started getting cough and felt unwell/debilitated. I had similar symptoms to you.
The symptoms continued for a total of three weeks. It is only when I left India and returned to UK I got better.
I recognised this was due to traffic pollution poisoning.
I wish I had totobobo mask back then. That’s all I can say.
I visited a trusted supplier and bought a mask (I should have known better from the signs).
The fact that it was black (they only had black) should have clued me in to the fact that all of these masks are designed for, and modelled on a masculine face.
I tried my mask for the first time yesterday to discover that to get a good fitting (vital) I must open my mouth wide and jut my jaw out.
I will be gifting this mask to my cycling partner and buying again with better insight caution.
Women beware!
Hi Judy, in case you want to try Totobobo mask, you can download a template to DIY your own “Simulator” for testing the size. Don’t waste money if the size doesn’t fit.
This is to all men who cycle, particularly in London.
I’m guessing that you think that women’s cycling issues don’t apply to you, I ask you to think again.
We women are the canaries in the mine, we are approximately 3/4 of your body weight and if we cycle the same journey and receive the same pollution intake we will show the effects of poisoning more quickly than you.
Ignore this fact and you are next!
Incidentally, I am waiting to hear from my supplier before swapping my “Respro Techno” for something that works. They are awaiting a staff training session and they don’t know when it will happen(?)
I imagined that wearing it in the meantime could afford me some level of protection, I was disabused of this when I wore it going slowly through a street market. Every smell, cigarettes, coffee flooded strait up my nose!
An ineffective, or poorly fitting mask can give a false sense of security.
Wishing good health to all.
Dear Judy, thanks for your comment.
I am myself (male, 35+ years) a bit worried about pollution and my lungs.
Your story is (unfortunately) interesting, being a canary (I am a mine engineer, btw).
It is 1000s times more interesting than the already interesting post.
Do you have a blog or somewhere to share your story?
Take care and best regards
Keeping yourself warm is the key to safe winter riding. Many people choose winter jacket, base layers, and socks. Thanks to mention cycling mask.