I have seen a lot of cyclists recently with a short row of red lights
on their rucksacks, do you know a recommended brand/site where I can
find these?
This was a good question by London Cyclist reader Rachel (Thank you Rachel!) and one that I couldn’t really answer!
The two lights that spring to mind are:
The Fibre Flare which has an attachment for fitting it to the back of a cycling jersey and I’m sure could be attached to many bags. (Costs £23.99)
The Knog Wearable Boomer which has both a magnet and a clip. The magnet could go through a t-shirt and the very tight clip could fit onto a bag if there was a suitable attachment spot. (Costs £18.99). This has only recently been released and I’m testing it out for London Cyclist Blog.
However, perhaps I’m missing out on a bike light that can be attached to your bag? Does anyone know the answer?
I loved my Fibre Flare. Bright, long-lasting batteries. Perfect for a light in those dodgy half-light conditions of early September evenings where you’re not sure if a light is needed, but with the Flare you’ll turn it on anyway because you don’t need to worry if the batteries will last you home, because they’ll last you from Lands End to John O’Groats.
It’s easy to attach, but a little too easy to detach, though.
My habit was to bend it and clip both ends to the strap on my small saddle bag – ideal place for a light, nice height and unobstructed. Unfortunately the bag swung a little too much and one evening I arrived home without it.
So I’d whole-heartedly recommend it – but if you’re going to attach it to a moving object like a bag, be aware of its limitations!
Oh no! Was sad to hear such an ending to that story – sounded like the perfect romance!
Rode this morning with the Knog Wearable Boomer. Seemed to work quite well, didn’t unclip from my jeans pockets even over potholes and as my pedalling got rather rapid. Still feel unsure as to whether to clip to my bag. Will test and report back!
I had a Fibre Flare on the bike- brilliant light, unfortunately extremely easy for random scrotes to steal. If i buy another, I’ll be wearing it.
I am also considering a few more lights for the darker nights. Want to be lit up like a christmas tree on my way home.
Can anyone recommend a really bright/rechargeable/cheap front light that can light up the path in front? I am paranoid of punctures in the dark.
I use a Cherry Bomb for the rear and a Cateye on front currently.
I got sick of rubbish bike lights for the front, so spent thirty quid on a good light and mount. I got a 800 lumens Ultrafire C8, and a ten quid solid flashlight bar mount. In total, the best 40 quid I’ve ever spent on a bike. Highly, highly recommended. I wish it hadn’t taken me so long to avoid rubbish lights!
My Cateye rear light comes with a removeable clip so you can either attach the light to the mount which straps around the saddle stem, or attach the clip to the light and clip it to the flap of your bag (assuming you wear your bag on your back!)
You could even clip it to the back of your belt, or your back pocket.
As winter is settling in again, I find myself considering getting a Dynamo hub wheel. As most of my riding is done bewteen the hours of 7-9AM and 6-8PM I find I need more lights in winter than in summer.
Has anyone had experience with adding these to a standard road/hybrid bike? I figure with the Q/R axle I’ll be able to swap to my standard wheel at the end of wintrer. It looks like I can get a pre-build wheel for about £80, but I’m wondering about what sort of light to get:
1. Capacitor or not?
2. Front only or both?
3. light output? will 15 lumens be enough, or should I spring the extra cash for a 40-60 lumens model?
Dynamos? Aren’t they pretty expensive and won’t they make the bike heavier? Why not a rechargeable light which you can detach during summer?
I attached a red micro LED light to my bag, its tiny and just stays there. Its not bright or big enough to replace a proper light, its just additional – also useful for when i end up on a Barclays bike – i think the back lights are rather low on those – so its good to have a back-up
you can find lots of them online, but this is just an example http://direct.tesco.com/q/R.212-3106.aspx?utm_source=GoogleShopping&utm_medium=GSF_NormalFeed&utm_campaign=GSF_TescoDirect&utm_content=212-3106
Just came across this CatEye light attachment too:
Lots of positive reviews.
I reckon the Cateye Loop Lights are pretty good. Not the brightest but good supplementary lights that can attach to rucksacks as well. I use a permanent rear light attached to the bike just under the saddle and top up with the Cateye on my rucksack. This gives greater visability to car/van drivers so improves safety I reckon.
I saw these in Decathlon last week:
OK I use a combined approach ! at the start of the dark nights ie when you are not sure if it will be dark or not on the commute I use a catseye front rechargable light (from mem it was £70) and a Blackburn Rear with bats (around £20)+ hump low light back pack cover (use all year round ) and then for when I know it is going to be dark I use 4 small lights (£3 each from Tesco, 2 white / 2 red) on the helmet set to flashing (no need to remove them as the helmet comes with me) plus for cold days a Gore inner fleece and Gore waterproof jacket both in yellow. and for really really cold days Altura Winter gloves again in yellow
Assuming battery lights are the cheapest to buy bulk buying batteries may be cost effective. AA and AAA batteries can be bought online in packs of 40 from 7dayshop. Packs of Duracells range in price from about £7 to £12 depending on which version you buy. David
for my 30 mile commute (15 ea way) I use 2 Cateyes on the back; 1 LD1100 and one 610 with a smart light on the back as a spare. The mudguard and seat stays are fixed with reflective tape.
For the front I have an RSP atrium, with a Minewt 200 as lights to see by for the unlit lanes and then a Cateye flashie used in combination with one or the other on dim setting going in and out of Reading. Also have a head torch on for an additional presence and in case the inevitable puncture occurs.
Over the last 2 winters discovered that redundancy is the key and that most light manufacturers produce rubbish. All of the lights I use have been replaced under warranty at least once
INBIKE IPX65 waterproof bike light set is worthy trying.