In times when everyone is trying to watch their spending have you considered how much you are saving or could be saving by cycling? There are 22 working days in a month A tube fare in zone 1-2 is £2.20 during peak hours when most people commute to ...
January 09 – Monthly Roundup
Monthly feature: London Cyclist rounds up all the news that you shouldn’t miss out on as a cyclist and hand delivers you the most interesting bits. God were good to you! Miami is trying to become a more bicycle friendly city and the mayor has ...
Cool bicycle bells in Covent Garden
I spotted these cool bicycle bells in Covent Garden. Love the funkyness of them. Pretty much essential when cycling in London to have a bicycle bell - the number of pedestrians that just walk out without looking is unreal. Have any of you spotted ...
Help my bike is broken! Top 3 online bicycle repair resources
If you want to find out how to fix a bike you have no need to go running to a professional repair shop if you harness the power of the internet! There are a lot of online bicycle repair sites out there desperately wanting your attention but I ...
Cycling in winter
I often manage to embarrass myself by bumping into the back of a car before I realise that it is now winter and I need to be more careful. This article will go through some of the precautions I take during the rainy winter months that help me get ...
Bicycle Cam using just a bell
Whilst we have already covered one way of making a bicycle camera I came across Jens Almström who realised that the screw inside his bicycle bell was the same size as beneath his camera where the tripod attaches. So a simple adjustment created a ...
Make your own bike camera mount
A good guide has been posted up on Photojojo, a great blog for camera enthusiasts, on how to make your own bike camera mount which could make for some pretty cool shots around London. In total it should cost you less than $10 (£5-6) and the process ...
Caught on the wrong side of the law
Well it finally happened, cycling through a red light, past bank tube stop on a cold summers day (it is England after all) I was caught by the police. Grabbing me as I cycled past P.C. I Have Had A Bad Day and I'm Going to Take it Out on You or ...
Ugly your bike
Make-digital has posted up an awesome guide on how to deter thieves from stealing your bike by making them think its not worth anything. I have often seen this done on bicycles in London and I think its a very good idea especially if its a highly ...
Motorbikes to use bus lanes in London
Boris Johnson is to follow up on his campaign pledge of allowing motorbikes in bus lanes of London which is usually the domain of cyclists and buses. He has decided to do this after successfully results in Bristol. I am a bit fearful of this change ...