Riding around London is the source of a lot of joy along with a lot of anger at many things that are largely outside of our control. Whilst taking part in protest rides, writing to your MP and supporting cycling organisations are all a good idea, ...
Shoes for cycling: What do you wear? (competition closed)
I’ve never been a big fan of riding with SPD pedals in London. Having to clip in and out at all the traffic lights and whenever I have to quickly come to a halt just doesn’t feel that safe. Plus, they are not usually that great for walking around in ...
5 cycling blogs that I’ve started following this year
Traditionally around about this time of the year I update my “Top 50 Cycling Blogs” list but that’s a whole lot of work and I’m working on a big new project for London Cyclist so time is of the essence (all will be revealed soon!). Instead, I wanted ...
How I learnt to love punctures
I’ve never been a big fan of getting a puncture. I prefer to blissfully ignore the fact that it is an inevitable part of cycling. However, on a recent rainy ride, after 6 months free of punctures, they caught up with me with a vengeance. With my ...
Out of these four bikes, this one would be stolen first
Last week we posed the question: Which of these four bikes will get stolen first? The post proved very popular and was visited by 2,819 cyclists of which 46 left their answer. Here’s a tally of the responses: Bike D: 31 Bike B: 8 Bike A: 7 Bike C: 0 ...
Who would like two tickets to go see the Olympics Volleyball?
Thank you for all the entries! We have our winner - Robbie Craig comment number 82! We’re in full “giveaway” competition mode here on London Cyclist. On Wednesday we gave a £500 Wiggle voucher to London Cyclist reader Esteban who is putting it ...
Bike lube: What’s all the fuss?
Keeping your bike well lubricated is probably one of those maintenance tasks that too frequently gets forgotten. But why does it matter? Which lubricant should you be applying? How frequently? Where? How much lube does a bike need? Why should I ...
Which of these four bikes will get stolen first?
Bike A – Spotted Outside Tate Modern Bike B – Spotted Outside Marylebone Station Bike C – Spotted in Kilburn Bike D – Spotted in Kilburn Rank in order which of these bikes you think will be stolen first and why! See ...
Jeans for cycling
Personally, I’ll wear anything to cycle in. From my normal every day clothes to Lycra and every once in a while I’ll even ride completely naked. Lately however, you probably were not too surprised to hear about jeans specifically designed for ...
New channel 4 documentary is looking for someone who’s just had their bike stolen
There’s a new documentary currently being researched for Channel 4 on street crime. Part of the focus of the program will be on the rising problem of bicycle theft. Ideally, the program is looking to interview and follow someone who has just had ...