Here are some common questions I get asked for the eBook and the solutions.
1. How do I use the GPS coordinates on my iPhone?
You will need to update your iPhone to the latest iOS to use this capability.
2. How do I use the GPS coordinates on my Android?
You will need to update your Android to the latest operating system to use this capability.
3. How do I get GPS files onto my Garmin?
4. How do I open the eBook on my mobile phone?
Once you’ve downloaded a copy of the ZIP file on to your computer, you can simply email yourself any routes you need to open on your mobile phone. Alternatively, you can open the PDF edition – however, be aware this is a 45mb file, so it can be slow to download and may not load on older devices.
5. How do I open the routes on Google Maps?
On the first page of each route, in the summary box for the ride, there’s a link to open up the route in Google Maps.