I was giving a mini tour around London to my friend Lucy recently (Showing those Brummies a bit of London!). We were in Covent Garden at the time, when she told me she was looking for a pair of gloves that allow you to use your touch screen phone without taking them off. I was stumped. I’d never heard of these magical gloves before and personally thought they sounded a little bit silly.
However, the idea stuck with me. I couldn’t help thinking that I’d been a little too quick to judge and actually they would be pretty useful. In particular, if you need to tap your iPhone or mobile phone screen when it is in a bike mount. As I often do when I’m following a new route somewhere.
I looked around at a couple of different companies that sell these types of gloves and came across the eGlove eXtreme (it’s all about capital letters in strange places). I was impressed by the quality and the price seemed about right so I’ve added them to our London Cyclist eShop.
With the cold weather we are mid way through at the moment I thought it would be a good time to announce their addition.
If you are looking for a pair then have a look at the size chart at the bottom of this page because they are designed to have a very snug fit (time to ask around for a tape measure or ruler!) I’ll end this post with this random fact: I have a 19cm hand.
[button link=”http://shop.londoncyclist.co.uk/products/eglove-extreme” color=”green”]Checkout the eGlove now[/button]
Northface e-Tip gloves are ace. Not cycling gloves, but they do the job to allow me to use the phone.
Yeah, but as Will.i.am said on this week’s Top Gear, not fashionable 🙂
I finally know what you are talking about! Wasn’t a big fan of his fingerless gloves..
I could have done with these this morning! Photographing dodgy areas of towpath on my iPod – kept having to take my gloves off. These definitely look good. Have seen cheap versions (just normal gloves, not cycling) at places like Tiger for a few quid – but these look like a much better option!
I’m amazed they’ve been under my radar for so long!
How warm are they? I’m currently wearing Sealskinz UltraGrip which are toastie most of the time!
It is also possible to convert a current pair of normal gloves into iPhone ones… http://makeprojects.com/Project/iPhone-Gloves/1633/1
Cool link – thanks for sharing!
I have the North Face e-tip gloves and they are great, as I use Runkeeper to track my rides on my phone they are very handy.
Not the thickest gloves, but they stop my hands from freezing and seem to get warmer the longer I cycle for.
I think the North Face ones were the ones my friend Lucy was looking for. There’s quite a few outdoor shops in Covent Garden so it’s a good place to look.
I had the North Face ones and returned them after wearing them twice as the finger tips came unstitched and started to fall off.
I’ve been using Sealskinz merino liners under fold back wool mittens ( the kind that are like fingerless gloves but have a section that folds over to make them in to mittens and discovered by accident today that I can still operate my phone when wearing the merino liners. I have to press slightly harder than normal but it works fine. No special finger tips.
That doesn’t sound like great quality Adam – surprising considering they are North Face.
I like the sound of the liners with the mittens. Maybe that combo would be enough to keep my hands warm!
I have a pair of Endura waterproof gloves which allow me to operate an iPhone without taking them off – the finger tips seem to have a special coating, but I don’t think they are marketed as touchscreen-compatible.
I have been using etip for a couple of years and they have been great. Starting to fray now but.
Think they have a good warranty. We will see!