I’ve always wondered how many miles you guys cover getting to work. What better way to cure my curiosity than a poll. Please include only the actual miles you cover on a bike and not miles covered on the train/bus/helicopter/hover craft. Also tell me the distance in one direction.
Also if you get some time let me know in the comments about any difficulties you have faced on your commute and any tips you have for others. I’m hoping to put together a post soon for commuters doing longer distance rides into work every day.
is this each way or total? and a tip for brompton riders. don’t! 😛
Mine is just over ten miles each way
16.5 workbound, 17.5 homebound (traffic conditions dictate a different routes)
judging by your poll – quite long! I feel proud of myself.
Best time on the way in – door to door including all stopping/waiting time – 58:45
Best time homebound – 1h08. Longer, and traffic is a lot worse.
I’m between 8 and 9 miles, what do I do?
Nice idea.
I posted the distance for one way. I hope that’s right. It might be a good idea to make that clearer lest confusion skew your results.
My only difficulty is my perception of it! The cars, sore legs etc. But then when I get out there it is a an absolute joy.
1. The weather is never as bad as you think: get the appropriate equipment and clothing and enjoy the adventure.
2. Dress up like a Christmas tree to be visible.
3. Avoid riding in the gutter. Make it safer by riding a straight line, even if this means riding out of the cycle lane if it is full of parked cars. Jutting in and out of the cycle lane makes more trouble for drivers behind than staying consistently in the lane.
4. Never react with anger at anyone that may react to you. Think of the next cyclist they come across.
5. Avoid skipping red lights. It can become habit! It used to be my habit until I did it in a car, only realising I was not on my bike, half way across the intersection! Dodgy! The lights and rules are there for a reason.
6. Lobby your work place for showers if you don’t have them.
7. Take positive action: not negative response. Report dangerous drivers, cycle paths or dangerous lights, or intersections. Moaning with in-action does not produce change.
8. Experiment with different ways home. Some routes may be longer, but have less lights and traffic making for a more enjoyable ride.
9. Prior-planning: pack your bag the night before, and store as much work clothing at work as possible limiting the amount you have to carry to work. I keep my shoes and a few others things permanently at work.
great advice… already makes me think and not shout at the roundabout bullies this morning…
My commute on the shortest possible route is 7 miles, as I love London traffic so much (and am trying to shed pounds and training for a London to Paris in September) I am doing 15 – 20 miles each way. The longest I have managed one way so far is 26 miles.
It does get easier, my only problem is if I want to go further I will be getting up at 5am to start the commute!
each way or return trip?
23 miles round trip – but that’s between Oxford and Didcot… not in London.
About 15miles each way.
Traffic is my major problem, though I have to agree with Amy, perception, I have to just do it, rather than think about it. Getting back to the traffic, car drivers consider bicyclists should just not be there, on what they believe are their roads, they feel we are an invasive force, who should, quite literally, not be given any room at all.
By the way my roundtrip commute is approximately 40 miles, I voted 16-20 in the poll. I get different readings from my cyclecomputer, which gives it as 20.67 miles one way, while a Garmin GPS computer mapper has it as 18.5 miles? Does anyone else find such diverging stats from different sources?
Strange. Would think Gps more accurate. Have you tried reconfiguring cycle computrer or measuring your route on gmaps to see which correct
GPS doesn’t usually take into account gradients, it can also sometimes lose signal for a time, both of which can lead to underestimates of distance. Odometers can be more accurate, it depends if they’re set up properly for your tyre pressure etc.
I have two commutes depending on how I am feeling. The short one is 6 miles each way. The long one is 24 miles each way and takes me from my front door to the office. I try and do the long trip twice a week because it saves me a £10 train fare. The shorter trip takes me to Waterloo and from there I take the train.
For the shorter commute I usually wear jeans and a technical top. When I get to work I change the top and have a freshen up. When it gets warmer I wear shorts too.
The longer commute is a different beast. I learnt the hard way to keep stocked up on food/drink otherwise a bonk/hitting the wall is very likely. So for the 24 miler I make a home-made energy drink using 200ml smoothie, 800ml water and 1/3 tsp salt. Also I will take some dried apricots to munch on. I get quite sweaty on these rides so I wear a technical top, shorts and cycling socks. I have started to wear some lycra shorts under my baggies(no need to scare anyone) because these are comfortable and do a grand job of wicking away the sweat from the nether regions. Nothing worse than arriving with sweat-soaked underwear :-(.
The key to the longer commute, for me anyway, is a slow but steady pace. It’s easy to get carried away racing other commuters but you pay for it on the ride home. For my 24 mile ride it takes me around 1 hour 45 minutes depending on the traffic and my average is a paltry 14mph(damn those traffic lights!).
Between 9 and 12 miles each way normally, though add a few miles in nice weather when not in a rush.
20 miles there and back. Bugbears are potholes and drivers who don’t indicate at roundabouts or junctions. Drivers who don’t check mirrors before changing road position. Drivers who jump red lights (a frequent sight). Drivers who try to shave your legs with their cars as they speed past. Drivers who can’t wait to pass and squeeze by at pinch points caused by road furniture. Drivers who use their mobile phones on the move. Drivers who sit on the ASL at traffic lights. Drivers who speed off on the green light for no reason. Drivers doing u-turns, 3 point turns, turning at junctions in front of you when you have right of way – they obviously think, “it’s only a bike”, so normal rules don’t apply.
Did I mention I don’t like drivers much?
My main concern with a lengthy commute is feeding myself enough! I only have a relatively small ride compared to some of the commentators above (7-8 miles each way), but keeping the beast of hunger at bay is a real trial…and I find myself either perpetually eating or constantly starving.
Otherwise, as far as I can see, and this is probably more pertinent to those cycling in town, it is all about finding that interesting route which takes away the tedium of the fact that you are on your way to work…
Ah…I only have a crap 2.5 miles each way and it saddens me immensely. Also that most of my short journey is taken up trying to dodge my way through angry mothers on the school run and streams of empty cars (bar, obviously, the driver) is totally frustrating…as are the many road ramps I have to go over!
I go over more than 20 ramps on my short journey…my poor bottom!
Though I did get to cycle about 25-30 miles today…a rare treat for me. 🙂
My ideal length of journey to and from work would be about 10 miles each way. I think I need to work on getting a new job in the city or, failing that, move further away from work.
or go the long way..?
I’m a 9 miles each way job.
It’s the kind of distance that makes you realise your bike’s limitations (a bit too heavy – could do with lighter for a better speed and to be less tired) but also that wakes up your body enough to be sitting at your desk with your legs shouting at you “Come on, I want to do another 10!”
Having cycled the 18 miles for the vast majority of days for nearly 3 years now, I think this is the year when I really want to get out and do a long, long ride somewhere nice.
My advice for new commuting cyclists? Be wary of rain if you wear specs. I’d go as far as saying don’t risk it. I borked my bike / injured myself and nearly injured a *young baby in a buggy* (shudder) after I totally missed them on a crossing due to rain on my glasses / a van shielding them from view. you really don’t want that stuff happening.
Other than that, it’s a lot safer than any non-cyclist who sucks their teeth will tell you; you don’t have to join a gym; it’s frankly lovely when it’s sunny and cosy when it’s cold (you warm up really quickly) and if you’re lucky, your co-commuters will actually talk to you. I’d encourage that one for everyone.
Talk to your fellow cyclists! be friendly and beat the classic view of Londoners being stand-offish on its head!
(and relax at weekends)
Oh specs…I wear them and the rain is real torture. I use the fluffy back of my winter cycling gloves to wipe off the rain every now and then…like window wipers.
I had to do it for the snow too!
Contact lenses would just dry up in my eyes though…so glasses it is.
12.8 miles roundtrip!
The most common thing so far is cars turning into/out of junctions that cross cycle lanes without looking for cyclists. I have had to slow right down or jam on the brakes a few times now.
Mine’s about 6 miles each way but that’s enough to give me legs of steel and the cyclist hunger someone else mentioned. It involves traversing central London but on a quiet sunny day it’s a delight. Traffic today was particularly hideous and punctuated by a large dog running out into my path from between a row of parked cars! Quite unexpected. Both I and the dog escaped unharmed.
I’m not pretending to be an expert but my tips are:
1. Take it easy. Being in a hurry makes you do stupid things and get sweaty.
2. Be nice. If people give way to you, overtake you safely, or even just notice you exist it’s always good to give them a smile and a nod. Stop at pedestrian crossings. It makes you feel happier and stops people thinking cyclists are all aggressive jerks.
3. Similarly to number 2, if you want to do something naughty like jump a red light or go on the pavement then just get off and walk. It only takes a few seconds longer and means we get to keep the moral high ground.
4. Plan your route so you can be confident about where you’re going. I use cyclestreets.net and the Camden cyclists map. And if I’m going to be using unfamiliar junctions, I often check it out on google street view first so I know what to expect. I have no sense of direction so often cycle with a post it note of directions sellotaped to the back of my hand.
5. Go by tube in rush hour every now and again to remind yourself how wonderful cycling is in comparison.
As for the whole what to wear thing, I’m a lady and with my shortish commute I pretty much wear normal stuff. I have a little kit in my desk drawer of babywipes, deoderant, mascara, hairspray and facepowder, which is all you need to freshen up when you arrive. I usually shower and get ready in the morning as normal (if it’s raining I don’t put mascara on til I get to work), putting a different top on underneath my dress/cardigan/whatever, and taking a fresh top in my basket or pannier. Then when I get in I have a quick freshen up and top swap in the toilets and I’m ready to go. If your workplace has showers etc then that’s great but you really dont need them.
Cycling in skirts and dresses is easy and comfortable and I don’t think I’ve flashed anyone yet… The only thing I can’t cycle in is one really tight pencil skirt, and some of my work trousers are a bit uncomfortable, so if I want to wear them at work then I cycle in some uniqlo cropped jogging bottoms and change into them later. Any shoes are fine so long as they won’t fall off your feet.
Anyway I’ll shut up now.
On the topic of the cyclist hunger, I have a 24 mile round trip and often was starving all day.
I have found having a pack of trail mix on my desk (nuts, raisins,etc) to snack on during the day. It does a great job of giving me the energy during the day and is not too expensive.
If your supermarket has pick and mix section you can even make up a mix that you like.
Good point. You don’t have to buy expensive energy bars/drinks. Sometimes I make my own energy bars using 1/2 cup each of walnuts, almonds, dates, cranberries, raisins and desiccated coconut. Simply grind the almonds and walnuts in a food processor, add all the other ingredients along with a tablespoon of honey and some lemon zest. Give it a whizz until the mixture sticks together. Place onto a baking tray and allow to cool in the fridge. Hey presto, enough energy bars for a week!
Thanks for sharing this tip/recipe Jonathan. Good idea to make your own
14 miles each way. Sub 40 minutes including stopping at lights, usually.
BTW – has anyone else been flumoxed by the way the traffic coming north over Southwark Bridge onto Upper Thames Street just seems to ignore their red light and just drive on over anyway.
I am sick to death of taxi’s trying to see how close they can get to me – I emailed their website as per someone’s instruction here a few weeks ago after one practically knocked me off my bike at Tower Hill and have head nothing at all which makes me REALLY cross!
6.5 miles each way
don’t go very fast so between 30 and 40 minutes (dependent on how heavy the traffic is)
wouldn’t consider doing a shorter journey given the hassle of showering/change of clothes.
Mine is ZERO miles. (considerably less than four miles, but it’s the only slot that fits.) It’s not that I have stopped riding a bike, it’s more a matter of not commuting anymore. I have officially retired… And my wife will retire in August which cheers her up immensely.
Now to figure out why the local library has a “no biking” sign up and no bike racks. Maybe the head librarian, was frightened by an (unruly) bicycle as a girl?
A couple of times a week I commute from Sevenoaks into Canary Wharf which is about 23 miles either direction. There’s nothing better than an early morning ride with not too much traffic to get you ready for the day.
Tips – as mentioned earlier go by train / tube on occasion to remind you why riding the bike is so much more enjoyable – Don’t get stressed at others as it will ruin your journey, just take it in your stride – especially don’t get stressed at all the red lights remember tomorrow the lights may be green all the way home 😎 – I switched to riding fixed gear which not only makes less things to go wrong with the bike but also improves fitness (you’ll be surprised at what hills you can ride up when you have no choice of gear) – enjoy the changing views (There’s always something happening in Blackheath and Greenwich park)
Best bits of the ride – The shower at work !! – Knowing I can eat what i want for breakfast when I’m at work.
Worst bits – hmmm ?
Hi Baldrick,
I am considering cycling from Sevenoaks to Wimbledon. How long does the 23 miles take you? What fixed wheel bike do you have? ANy other tips?
Mine is just under 8 1/2 miles each way, though shortly I’ll be adding another ten miles a day to that as I’m in training for LeJOG. (I do training runs at weekend too.) I have a nice bowl of porridge before I start and that gets the legs turning nicely. I try to obey the highway code etc and treat other road users as I would want to be treated myself.
The one bad thing about commuting is the utter horror that is Old Street. It’s quite simply a horrible place to cycle. But I often end up on it.
@Jeremy, when are you doing your end to end? I am doing my JOGLE at the end of July.
There is lots of us around, if you haven’t already seen these sites, they can be useful resources about the ride
Pete, last wek of July/first week of August. In 2008 I did Lands End to Kendal in five days and want to do the whole lot this time. Thanks for the links and best of luck with your ride!
Agreed on the horrors of old street!
some wher between 17 and 22, depends on the route I choose to take.
My daily commute is two miles each way; one and a half of those miles is uphill, up to an elevation of 220 metres with some gradients of one in eight. This is up a farm lane with the idle rich of Bath ferrying little Portia and Tarquin to one of the three private schools on Lansdown, most of them driving as close to me as possible. I had a lovely moment of schadenfreude this morning, when one flash red sports car zipped past, only to have to stop and stall when a van came down. As I pootled on past in first gear, I mentioned to the driver that she shouldn’t rely on an engine: she could do no more than agree.
Oh I used to live in Bath…I admire anyone who is able to cycle up any of those hills. Walking Bathwick Hill was painful enough.
Let me tell you, the back lane up Lansdown is hard work on a 60lb bike. On the plus side, I’m invariably in a good mood when I reach my desk. Between my commute, allotment and ( recently ) Yongquan Tai Chi and Choy Lee Fut I’m probably fitter than I was twenty years ago.
Lots of sensible advice – and aside from the obvious stuff (staying in the centre of your lane, being visible etc) a lot of it to do with taking your time. Especially with longer rides. Taking your time means not jumping lights, which means, unless there’s a long line of traffic, just staying in the line behind the cars (as with cars that need to race past you – you won’t be getting anywhere any quicker by trying to slide to the front of a short queue of traffic). You won’t have to concentrate in dangerous situations as much, and it makes you more predictable, and you know what you’re going to do, rather than always improvising (again, it only takes one bit of mental fatigue over a long-ish journey to make for an accident).
Be nice to other road users – it makes you feel better, spreads goodwill and makes everything easier. If something annoying does happen, try and stop feeling angry as soon as possible, aggressive ‘catch-up’ riding is dangerous. Also, makes your ride nicer.
If I go straight there it’s about 12 miles each way, but recently I’ve been taking the long way round and doing 14 – 20 miles each way (better weather I guess).
My commute from Bristol to Bath is 17.8 miles each way and only takes about an hour and five minutes. The cyclepath between the two cities isn’t the fastest route, but it’s definitely the safest and easiest route. I’ve noticed that the main thing slowing down my average time is stopping and starting in traffic in both cities, but out on the path you can quite easily cruise at about 20 mph without feeling like you’ve overdone it and without suffering from the hunger too badly!
30 miles per day, Reiagte to Norbury. Great even during the winter, just need to sort out the right tires to avoid punctures. Def more relaxed when cycled and feel better. Been 12 months now and love it. Only issue is what to eat during the day to avoid filling up on biscuits.
An interesting poll would be, “How many traffic lights (signals) are on your commute?” I can start the bidding at ~45 on my 11 mile commute from N11 to SW3.
Funny you should mention this – I’m planning on writing a post about how long we spend at bike lights very soon..
I can add my 75, yes, seventy-five sets of traffic lights on my 15km (9.5mile) route from SW19 to EC2 into the mix there.
Does too many count and they always seem to be red,
49 lights from TW1 to EC1M
I am planning to start cycling to work soon. I live in the Arnos Grove/New Southgate area and will be riding to the city.
According to a route on the tfl cycle planner which is 9 miles ,it should take approx 45-50 mins.
Would anybody agree/disagree with this?
Also is 9 miles each way within range for a newbie cyclist with average fitness?
I cycle 18.5 miles each way from Ashtead into Bank Station EC2N and it takes about 50-55 minutes there and a bit longer on the way home. I find it amazing that some days my legs feel like a super hero and on other days they feel like lead weights! Sometimes upon arrival I just want to go further but work kinda dominates our lives doesn’t it? I also ride in the Surrey Hills on the weekends which is awesome and really good for additional fitness as some of the hills are real character builders.
Once you have all of the right gear, you can cycle in any weather. I only missed 2 days last year and that was because of the snow.
Tip for low cost GOOD cycle tops, shorts and jackets has gotta be Sports Direct.
Hi Terry
I live in Leatherhead and will be cycling from Leatherhead to Founders Court EC2R (London) right next to Bank Station, from the end of October. Is there a route you would recommend? (I was thinking about using GPS on my Nokia phone).
Also, are there any places where you can keep your bike safe around the area?
The Corridori shop in Epsom recommended me a Specialized Sirrus 2011 bike (within my budget), which I will be collecting next week. How much do you normally spend in maitainning your bike?
Many thanks
Hi Rui,
I follow the A24 most of the way….thru Epson, down the Ewell Bypass…turn right at the Organ and Dragon trafic lights towards London…..keep going….thru N, Cheam…..eventually past Morden Station……follow A24……hang a right at Merantuan Way etc,etc……drop me an email if you want I will give you my mobile and I can explain the route in detail…..very straightforward…..quite trafficky coming home but no too bad.
Sirrus is nice and sturdy…perhaps a bit heavy but not a bad thing in the winter…..bike maintenance…on average over the year…perhaps £50 a month (nothing for a few months…then new tyres, chainset etc,etc) much cheaper than the £240pm I was paying!
Really love your blog, and really love biking. Nice informative post. Thanks.
Argghh….this snow is doing my head in…so much for riding in the Surrey Hills this weekend and working on additional fitness!
My Trek 1500 is soon to be retired after some 35,000 miles, the frame is still good and some components but I am tired of throwing new money at an old bike.
Now…decision decisions….I have short listed 3 bikes for my 37 mile round trip commute and would appreciate any comments people might have on my choices.
BMC Streetfire 2010- Looks the nuts in bright red…105 all over expect front and back brake calipers are tektro. Wheels are shimano r500 (not bad at all)
Bianchi Via Nirone 105 2010- Also looks the nuts in white (no blue ones left…argghhh!). 105 all over but the cranks are FSA and not 105…also comes with r500 wheels.
Pinnacle Aeos Carbon- Looks the nuts (ish). 105 all over but tektro front and back brakes. The wheels are shite…Alex 200’s.
I was going to test ride all 3 of these steeds at an Evans store in London yesterday but the damn snow scuppered my plans!
Managed to commute every day this week although coming home last night was tricky to say the least…
I’d probably lean towards the Bianchi – though would strongly recommend a test ride!
FSA cranks are pretty good and the Bianchi has the R500 wheels too. Good choice. Not considering another Trek?
Cheers lads, you confirmed my thoughts as well. The Bianchi looks really nice, shame it is white as it will show up so much dirt!
Regarding a Trek, I do love them but you pay quite a bit to have it laden with 105 all over, I have never ridden less than 105.
Funnily enough, the Bianchi is also the cheapest, I can get it for £849.
If anyone is interested in the following,please let me know..the Evans mechanic is also interested in purchasing some of my bits but I don’t want to put all of my eggs in one basket!
Trek 1500 frame, good nick but a little blistering at the top of the carbon forks…mechanic reckons they are fine but thought I would mention it.
Brand new bottom bracket
105 front and rear brake callipers (good nick but obviously not shiny as they are 3-4 years old
105 shifters that work well although the tops are scratched and one of the 105 plastic bits on the top is gone
alu seat post is fine
seat is fine
rear wheel is fine just needs a spoke replacing
rear tiagra hub is in good shape
front rim needs replacing but the tiagra hub is in good shape
headset needs replacing as it gets stiff but I just wd40 it for the time being
shimano cranks are good, I just purchased a miche 50t 110mm bcd front chainring
34 (small ring) needs replacing
105 front mech should be fine but might need ‘freeing’ up a bit
105 rear deraillieur needs replacing as the spring has gone
You can have the whole lot for £200
Just the frame, forks headset, cranks and bottom bracket for £120
If any of the components like shifters, brake callipers are of interest, please email me
I cycle from Enfield to Holburn about 13 miles one way and takes me about 50 minutes to 1 hour 30 depending.