Bicycle chains are heavy necessities for cyclists. Over time I’ve tested a number of inventive methods for carrying them. On the handlebars was a huge failure as they make the important act of steering a difficulty. Attached to my belt using a device such a lock holster worked okay. Of course, in the bag is another option, but is heavy and a pain to get to when you want to lock up your bike quickly. Plus, what if you don’t want to bring a bag?
Around the waist, with the Steel O Flex works. However, it doesn’t feel particularly safe and many doubt the security offered by the Steel O Flex.
A lock you can wear
A lock around your waist is also the thinking behind Hiplock. A new “wearable bike lock”. When Evans Cycles got in touch asking if I wanted to review the lock I was set in my mind that I would hate it.
For a start, the lock is rated Silver in the Sold Secure rankings. This means it can’t replace my main Kryptonite bike lock and has to be used as a support lock. Also, why has it got such a stupid name like Hiplok?
Coming around to the charms of the Hiplok
However, a few days into testing and I was coming around to the charms of the Hiplok.
This lock is designed for much of the cycling I often find myself doing. Which isn’t road racing or even commuting. Most of the time I’m meeting friends, going shopping or heading to a business meeting. Often, I’m not a fan of carrying a bag with me to these locations. Therefore, a lock that doesn’t require any additional equipment to carry works well.
Using the lock is fairly simple. The velcro strap acts as the belt while it is around your waist. This can be adjusted to any size waist. Then to lock it you need to bring the two chain ends together.
The belt feels very comfortable to wear (far more so than the Steel O Flex) however, I still worry about what would happen if I was in an accident. My waist landing on the lock doesn’t feel like something particularly safe.
There’s also the other slight matter of the price. £69.99 is a rather aggressive price point if I’ve ever seen one!
Good points:
- Convenient if you don’t want to carry your lock in a bag or attached to the frame
- Comfortable to wear and forget about
- Can fit around most objects you’d want to lock your bike to
- Reflective strip on the Hiplok logo
Bad points:
- Silver rating means it is only suitable as a secondary lock
- Expensive
Overall Hiplok review
I was much more impressed with the Hiplok than I thought I’d be. The convenience of strapping it to your waist is excellent and it provides a good level of security as a secondary lock. However, the price point really lets it down.
The Hiplok is available from Evans Cycles
See also:
I always cringe when I see cyclists with a steel-o-flex round their waist. I’m no medic, but landing on that in even a ‘minor’ collision could be catastrophic for your organs, spine or man/lady ‘bits’, and I suspect this would be about the same.
I agree – I have *serious* concerns about the hiplock from a saftey. In the event of an accident the metal is in the perfect position to cut directly in UNDER your ribs and destroy your internal organs. It is just not worth it. DO NOT BUY A HIP LOCK
that is your personal opinion.
i have fallen off numerous times, with an ABUS around my waist. no additional damage caused by th lock!
A friend of mine who works in an A&E told me never to wear a lock, he had seen a cyclist almost completely ripped in two.
I’ve had a fall whilst wearing a kryptonite chain. It wasn’t actually too bad as I landed on my side and there is a good amount of soft tissue around your core to protect your organs. I agree if you fell on to your back wearing a chain it would be worse as your spine is relatively unprotected, but I think this happens much less often than falling to the side. Sure it adds an slight extra element of injury, but in terms of practicality I think wearing a chain around the waist is hard to beat.
Wear it round your neck – RAMPAGE STYLE
The small kryptonite and flexi lead fit nicely in my bag carried by my bike, so no weight on my back. Works well for me.
Wearing a chain around your person, whether riding a bike or motorcycle, is a no no! Just thinking about it makes me wince!
My Abus D-lock slides into its own clip which attaches to the seat tube. Nothing to wear, nothing to carry, and a pretty intimidating lock to boot. Have I missed something here?
I forgot that I had left my bunch of keys in my pocket 5 weeks ago until I came off and landed on them, that sent me to A&E, a week on the sick and 5 weeks to fully recover.
There is no way I would wear a lock and chain around me whilst riding!
Your point about it only being a secondary lock as it is silver rated is interesting as all the insurance companies that I have seen or deal with (ETA being one) are happy that a silver standard lock is used to comply to their insurance requirements. But of course a gold standard is better still and you can never do too much
Those famous words of the late Barry Mason were ‘2 good locks, I use a silver and a bronze standard and have never had a bike nicked in 35 years’
My preference for carrying 2 locks on the bike is a D lock in it’s holder and an Abbus Bordeaux folding lock in it’s holder – no problems at all.
Hi guys I love the Hiplok it doesn’t lock around your waist the chain bits sit on your hips, but the actual fastening is like a seat belt material with excellent Velcro easily removed in emergency. It is definitely worth trying one on before you make up your mind.
The chain is also surrounded by a thickly padded jacket.
No way would I wear a lock. The last thing I’m going to be thinking if me and the bike go down is ” oh joy, I can operate the quick release on my lock.” If I need to carry my chain lock, it goes round the seat tube and rear rack, or in a pannier.
I don’t like the idea of wrapping that round my waist. Not sure it’s long enough anyway….
Mush better to use an Abus Mini Granit Futora 64 and stow it in your pannier or rucksack. Half the weight of a regular D-lock, and upper-rane security. It’s the Futura you know.
a steeloflex around your waist could hurt if you land on it?
I dont understand…
surely landing on th hard floor will hurt if you have a ring of steel around your waist or not?!
Also, I dont really understand how the genitals could in any way be damaged by a lock?! Please do explain that one…
Surprised this product got approval! Steve’s right: imagine the lock catching on a vehicle going one direction while you’re flying in the other! As idavid says, D-locks are stronger, clip on the frame and are easily accessible in the event of a dispute with our motoring friends. But D-locks don’t suit everyone. I once saw a guy wearing a D-lock around his neck! Wonder if he’s still alive?
The lock will hardly be flapping about in the breeze will it?! same as if a bag strap got caught in a vehicle going th other way, im sure it is extremely rare!
are there any photos of someone wearing a hiplock?
Do you work for Hiplock, Mark? As you say, “landing on th (sic) hard floor will hurt if you have a ring of steel around your waist or not?!”, but landing on the floor with a lump of steel between your spine and the road could easily put you in a wheelchair. Also, bag straps will break under heavy loads, steel chains don’t, your back would. Thankfully, it will be extremely rare and after all it’s a free country (well, sort of). So it’s up to you, Mark!
i use a steeloflex, it fits snugly round my waist, no big chunky padlock to hit my spine, the lock is part of th chain.
no part of the lock could get snagged in a vehicle
if i was worried about landing on a piece of metal i guess i should remove keys, phone, ipod etc from my (side) pockets too…. of course, if i was worried abut all those things i probably wouldnt cycle, considering that it can be dangerous. lol
I think the H&S doom and gloom merchants are having a field day on this one. They fit really well sitting on your hips (hence the name) and are extremely comfy you forget they are there after a few minutes. The idea of them catching a vehicle going the other way is frankly preposterous. As Andreas pointed out there is a time and place for this sort of lock. I use mine when I am in town want to be unencumbered by bags etc but need to jump on and off the bike quickly and frequently. There are photos of the lock on the Hiplock Facebook site if you want a look.
tim, i agree, there is no h&s issue here.
getting straps caught in a vehicle is a stupid thing to say, if im that close to a vehicle im sure i have already been knocked flying!
i saw the photos – i didnt realise the hiplock is high vis too – if anything these lock increases safety!
Very surprised that you comment on the inherent dangers of wearing a lock round your waist, but fail to recognise it as a ‘bad point’. Previous comments support the view that, despite the padding, the potential for injury is real. Much better to find another way to carry your lock.
Completely over th top h&s crazyness. If ur worried about falling off a bike y should b more worried about being hit by a car, n u shud b worried about mistakes bt others, nir yourself… If ur worried about all tht u probably shudnt cycle
I ride a bicycle and a motorcycle and tbh i try my best to carry anything in a backpack or on me that could cause serious damage if I had an off. I have heard bad stories of bikers coming off with their lock around their waist I know the speed of a motorcycle is different but having something like that around your waist is just asking for problems just my opinion.
i agree, having a lock around your waist could cause an injury, eg to your spine if you fell back onto a big chunky lock or padlock..
but surely if you fell onto your rucksack whatever is in it could also cause an injury.
regarding motorbikes – i agree, a lock around your waist could significantly increase injuries, but for cycling i dont believe it will make a significant difference…. for example, having a lock attached to the bike frame could cause an injury, it might fall on you or cause the bike to go off balance during a collision… i think th main point here is that carrying a heavy lock is dangerous because you could hurt yourself with it….. does everyone at least agree to that in principal?
cycling in central london is dangerous, and if you are going to fall off having a lock “on” or not probably wouldnt effect the seriousness of damage you will receive….
I enjoy reading an article that can make people think. Also, thank you for allowing me to comment!
Does anyone know anyone whose had an accident whilst wearing one? Because that would be more helpful than a load of conjecture, I agree with most points –
A) falling off hurts.
B) landing on something that’s not just road would hurt more. (Possibly could be slightly more dangerous, but you could easily land on something on the road/curb/pedestrian that could inflict the same damage).
C) carrying locks is hard work, especially for the smaller folk.
I just brought one of these because my Abus D lock is a pain in the arse to carry. It’s so comfortable, I actually forgot to take it off when I got home! It’s perfect for a quick nip round to the shops and back.
Granted, if you’re doing long hours on a bike, it’s better to have it fitted to your frame, but think it’s handy if you’re just bombing around and don’t want to carry anything.
Don’t forget that we cyclists are tough and are used to taking a battering – cars/vans/lorries/pedestrians/the weather! So I think we’ll be alright don’t you?!
i have fallen off 3 times while wearing a big chunky abus round my waist.
i got a slipght bruise on the side i fell on. but it was no big deal….