When the weather decides to throw a curve ball like today, it’s easy to get caught out on your bike and get absolutely soaked on the cycle home. This is when you discover that cycling jacket you are wearing is definitely water resistant as opposed to water proof.
Cycling home with wet legs
The one that most people choose to just live with is wet legs. However, it doesn’t necessarily have to be the case. A pair of DHB Waterproof trousers can put a full stop to wet legs and jeans. They also protect your trousers for road muck that can stain. For a pair of cycling specific DHB trousers the cost is £38.39. Alternatively, any cheap pair of waterproof trousers you pickup from an outdoor shop will do the trick.
Cycling jacket or waterproof mac?
The next is the top half. Whilst cycling jackets like the Rapha Bomber Jacket are perfect for dry days they will let you down on a rainy commute home. Instead, you have a few alternatives.
The first and most obvious is a waterproof cycling jacket. Both Altura and DHB have affordable jackets that pack down in to a small size to store away in your bag “just in case”. The DHB Minima also has a female version.
The alternative is a waterproof mac. This looks far less “cyclist” and the long length makes it perfect for greater protection against the rain. However, it can restrict your movement slightly in the shoulder department. You can find a great selection of macs in any shop but you may consider a cycling specific version such as those sold by Water Off A Duck’s Back or the Cambridge Rain Coat company. I’ve just cycled home using a mac from Marks & Spencer and it kept my suit perfectly dry.
Keeping your laptop dry
It’s not great getting home and discovering water has seeped in to your bag. Unless you are using waterproof panniers, then a waterproof cover for your backpack may be a good idea. A lot of cyclists in London use the Hump Cover however I’ve heard quite a few negative opinions on this so I can’t recommend it (see the comments below).
There are also plenty of waterproof backpacks that you can buy. In particular the ones by OverBoard have been recommended by readers along with those from Ortlieb.
Keeping your feet dry
Keeping your feet dry whilst cycling is always a challenge. Home made solutions such as a plastic bag over your socks work surprisingly well – though you certainly won’t be stopped at the side of the road by someone wanting to take a picture for your great fashion sense.
The alternative is to buy a pair of overshoes, a pair of Seal Skinz waterproof cycling socks or a pair of cycling specific shoes. These tend to come with far more waterproofing than your typical pair of converse.
Keeping your back dry
The mudguard, love it or loathe it, is pretty essential in the horrible conditions. If you are not a fan of having it as a permanent fixture on your bike then a folding mudguard may appeal. We’ve written more about mudguards here.
Bike specific gear or just any old jacket?
This is always a good follow-on question to a post such as this one. The answer is you can wear pretty much anything to stay dry on your bike, it doesn’t have to be designed specifically for cycling. The added benefit is that the fit will be more comfortable and better suited to the arms forward position you use to ride a bike (I hope). Also, you tend to get some reflective features.
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this timely post, I’m off to cycle down to Camden in my waterproof mac!
Good article, I’ve had quite enough of getting drenched this week, but what puts me off waterproof clothing is the heat build up. I’m a big guy and I commute 10 miles each way and even on the coldest day I get quite a sweat on! Did you have that problem with these items?
It is always a bit of issue, especially when you’ve got this odd combo of fairly warm yet still wet. It’s not such an issue in the winter.
Gore tex is the answer – breathable fabrics. Not cheap..but work. I have some gore over trousers.. Keep me bone dry outside and inside..light to pack. Well worth the investment IMHO :0)
I used to find cheap waterproof trousers TOO warm. Now I have goretex breathable; at over £100 they’re expensive, but VERY cool and comfortable.
My Altura cycling jacket has stopped being waterproof on the shoulders and front of the sleeves. Expect about a year waterproofing with it.
Endura waterproof jacket and overtrousers, mudguards on my Crosstrail and a bin liner over my panniers.
Next on the list will be some overshoes if I can ever find a pair that fit over regular (i.e. non-cycling) size 11 shoes, and maybe a waterproof cover for my cycle helmet.
I have to say, if it wasn’t for the price I’d be tempted to buy a rain cape just for the looks I’d get – http://www.westbrookcycles.co.uk/clothing-c7/capes-ponchos-c197/brooks-saddles-brooks-oxford-cape-p83039
The wind resistance on that must be amazing – almost like a sail!
I hate getting wet in the rain, but also hate how warm I get cycling in a coat, so wanted a cape… but all of the cycling capes I found were either ridiculously expensive or incredibly ugly (or both). In the end I just bought a regular cape (from ASOS) for £20 or so. It’s cotton, so it’s not completely waterproof, but it’s lined, so it takes pretty heavy rain to soak through it. And it keeps my knees dry.
Trust Brooks to release a £180 ‘heritage’ version of something that you can get in a cheap but nasty plastic form for a few quid. It does look a bit cultish though…
ARGOS do a RAIN-CAPE for about £12 which is like the capes all bikies used to wear, whether racing folk out on the Sunday club-run, or sit-up-and-beg town commuter types. I bought one last year, and then immediately found the PVC one I’d mislaid in 2002…ain’t it always the way? Anyway, the Argos keeps heavy rain off every bit as well as the £179 Brooks would, I’m sure. Okay, it’s heavier than the race-cape, but under a cloud-burst it will keep you dry. Sadly, it has a hood attached, which I’ll probably cut off…..
Brooks prices do take some beating—-upwards! I bought a pair of their “waterproof” saddle-covers, £3.75 each, and had to phone the company to ask why they let water through in minutes. “That’s because the leather saddle has to breathe” they informed me. So can’t it breathe through the untreated underside, I thought to meself, but didn’t pursue it any further…..
Bin liner? Brilliant!
Things I hate in the rain? Cyclists without rear mudguards, it’s just plain rude to eveyone else! Plus it makes the back of their jacket look as if they have had an attack of explosive diarrhoea – a difficult look to carry off.
Yesterday morning i had that problem as well, to be real honoust with you, it made me laugh… I was already soaked from tip to toe and these few drips in the face didnt make much of a difference in that.
Because I’m dutch it wont surprise anyone that I’m kind of used to it! The only thing which I would like to change is to wear waterproof shoes… instead of the feeling like swimming arround hole day in your shoes…!
Yes, but the “few drips” you are getting are water off the road rather than rain. At least the rain is clean. Being sprayed with muck off the road is no fun at all.
Waterproof trousers just made my legs sweat and I’d rather have wet legs 😉 I’m a big fan Seal Skinz socks . They keep feet nice and toasty in Winter but, you will eventually get wet feet from the water leaking into the top of the socks!
Everything I put in my panniers/rucksack is always in a plastic carrier bag and that’s all year around. I use different coloured bags for say clothes, work, bike and personal stuff. It also means if i change bag it’s easier identifying what I’ve packed and I’m less likely to forget something.
if you happen to be more of a lycra clad roadie than a jacket/over trousers wearer then I’d recommend Castelli’s Nanoflex & Gabba kit – it looks and feels like an ordinary jersey/armwarmer/legwarmer but is coated in a hydrophobic material that is really effective for shedding water – i’ve been using it this winter & am really happy going out in all sorts of foul weather! http://www.wiggle.co.uk/?s=nanoflex and http://www.wiggle.co.uk/?s=gabba and this http://www.wiggle.co.uk/castelli-aero-rain-lite-long-sleeve-jersey/ – stops me having to wear a flappy bin bag like jacket!
Thanks Daniel for the heads up on this 🙂
I’ve never had too hot legs from overtrousers (just wear lycra shorts underneath). I’d strongly recommend Seal Skinz socks or waterproof boots over overshoes – they always seem to get knackered too easily for me.
Missing from the piece are waterproof gloves (or, hey, just take your normal gloves off and let your hands get a bit wet), but most importantly a helmet cover. For some reason (acid rain?) if it’s really pelting down and I get water running down my face from my helmet, it makes my eyes really sore. A helmet cover avoids that all very nicely.
I’d be interested in testing some of those jeans for cycling that are meant to have waterproofing. Plus, I’ve always wanted to try some of that waterproof spray on some general shoes and see if it makes a difference.
The waterproof spray does make a big difference. It won’t stop shoes getting sodden – but they do hold out a lot, lot longer before it happens.
I use a spray on my Five Ten mountain biking shoes for winter rides in Epping Forest. They used to soak up water like a sponge, now it takes many hours, even in terrible conditions, to get to same level of weight/sloshiness.
Good call – came across this product too which I’m excited to see what they do with: http://www.neverwet.com/ are there any negatives to spraying with such a spray? Also which one do you use?
I use Nikwax Leather & Fabric Proofer. Doesn’t seem to be any negatives as far as I can tell.
That’ll be the old sweat in your helmet pads coming out! (Gross I know but true…)
I ocasionally take my helmet into the shower with me after a ride to give it a good rinse – goodbye stinging eyes!
I have a Hump Cover (waterproof model) and they aren’t that great – anything more than a light shower and your bag is going to get quite wet.
I don’t understand why they can’t be completely waterproof – its not like they need to be breathable, like a jacket.
Interesting – never tested one of these myself but you’d imagine at that price they’d manage to get the waterproofing right! Perhaps because it only covers part of the bag?
The Hump Cover does completely cover the exposed part of my back pack, but even the areas which are totally covered get quite wet in heavy rain. The visibility aspects of the product work well but for the price I think they can and should do better.
Gosh, my experience with the waterproof version of the hump cover is totally different. I’ve been using mine for over two years now, and as you can imagine have taken a few batterings from a heavy rain shower, and even on my long commute my bag underneath has remained totally dry. I love that cover! I would have been pretty miffed if I’d paid almost £40 for the thing (it’s a totally reflective one) and it not be waterproof!
Stay at home.
Or take a bus!
Then definitely stay at home!
I’d rather agree with Stacey than take the bus!
Sorry, felt the need to be jocular. I have a ‘breathable’ waterproof jacket and waterproof trousers but if I’m caught without them, there’s not a lot I can do about it so I just regard it as water and that I can dry myself off. I also counter this with thinking that I’d rather the rain than the wind. 🙂
True – there’s little more irritating than feeling like you are constantly pedalling up hill!
I decided to go with the ‘it’s not too cold and I’m on my way home anyway so wet is fine’ approach this evening and have learned a couple of important lessons! I ditched the Endura jacket since it lets through heavy rain anyway, but also gets me hot – my GoreTex fleece kept out most of the rain, and at a comfortable temperature. My baggy cycling trousers got soaked through, but they’ll dry fast and are light enough that they’re comfortable even soaked. My trainers are beyond hope – they’ll take at least a couple of days to dry out, even with the radiator on. What I didn’t realise though was just how cold I’d get when it stopped raining! It was dry for the last 5 minutes of my hour commute, but I was frozen in that short time and it’s taken me 2 hours to thaw out. Also need to try and improve my vision – I wear glasses, which keeps a lot of the water out of my eyes, and heavy rain is actually better than drizzle since it does run off, but would be interested in other solutions for being able to see where I’m going. Am guessing that prescription goggles might be expensive :-/
I found a baseball cap can help keep rain our of eyes. Can be worn under a helmet. I also have a pair of these (in pink to match bike. Got them very cheap) which help with rain, wind, etc. I wear contact when cycling.
For trainers – stick old newspaper in them, sucks out the moisture.
For glasses – helmet cover – keeps rain from running down face (if you’ve got a helmet with a peak).
I use a rain beading treatment on my glasses, called Rain-X. It is for car windshields but it works great on my cycling glasses, and my regular glasses on the days I don’t wear my contacts.
Wow this post is getting some really useful comments – thanks everyone who is contributing!
Wow I never thought to use rain-x on them I have it which I do use on me car think I will give it a try nice tip there
Honestly, it is well worth it. I started using it last fall when we were getting daily doses of sleet and I just couldn’t see out of my sport glasses (changeable lens thingies). It really helped my vision and I even think it helped with the fogging up as well (hot body + freezing rain = fogged glasses everytime), but that is probably all in my head.
A cotton race-hat, and pull the peak down a bit to protect the glasses. and the full cape from Argos around £12, will keep you much drier, while not allowing any heat-buildup at all. No, I don’t have shares in the company, honest!
I spent a long time having to get the bus (eurgh) when it rained, as I wear glasses and don’t have contacts, and find it impossible to see with the rain on them. Baseball/cycling cap didn’t do any good, neither did a regular helmet or hood. In the end, I came across the Kask helmets with visors. Mine was expensive (£110) but completely worth it in terms of the oyster saving (and not being on the bus). The curve of the visor means that the rain runs straight off it, and it’s really good for not over-heating the head. I’d definitely recommend it. And, if nothing else, it makes me look like a stormtrooper.
Traditional cape to keep rain off but legs unboiled. But also simply fold Brompton and get on the 143. Yes I know it’s a bit wimpy…
A time when I’m very jealous of Brompton owners!
So much talk of buses, I thought this was a cycling forum! 🙂
I have Altura waterproof jacket and trousers but, even wearing light linen trousers underneath tends to make me too hot.
As said in above comment, I have glasses/goggles and a cap to keep rain out of eyes. IN heavy rain, I have a pair of old army boots (picked up on a market back in the 90’s) which are more waterproof than usual trainers.
Weather forecast lied to me last Thursday and it tipped down on me. No coat (as it had been sunny and warm when left house). I can vouch a coat helps avoid damp underwear and mudguards keep dirt off.
I saw this reviewed quite while back and got one and have to say it’s very effective. Also space saving. Shame there’s not a rear-mudguard version.
I usually try to find shelter when there’s heavy, sudden downpour. Partly because visibility becomes so poor for me, I fret. Under bridges, bus stops, whatever.
I figure if I can’t see properly, I might be putting myself at risk. This is usually only a brief stop whilst a heavy shower is overhead. When it’s raining, I tend to like to leave earlier in case I have to stop.
too warm to wear a waterproof unfortunately.
I rather get wet, if you wear the lycra type clothes that fit to your body and cycle for a while, your own heat will dry your clothes and you will soon be confortable again.
Baseball cap with a fairly large brim. Keeps my head drier and warmer and helps avoid my glasses and face getting covered in rain.
I hate wearing my waterproof jacket (an old running one). Does the job fine but overheating is a problem, to the point that I’d rather get a little wet. So I tend to try to keep riding without it. Sometimes that works if it doesn’t rain too hard or for too long but sometimes I judge it wrong and end up getting soaked and then it’s pointless putting it on anyway.
So the question I have is, not so much what you wear, but how do you make the decision of whether to go rain-ready or risk it. And at what point do you decide you’ve made the wrong call and you put your ‘proofs on…
I always cycle in the rain with shorts on. I get too hot in waterproofs and my legs get too heavy in trousers. A bit of water on the legs never hurt anyone.
Lovely retro chic cycle cape from Cycle Chic http://www.cyclechic.co.uk/shop/rain-cape-p-78.html. Doesn’t really protect your feet but everything else stays dry, and the hood has a peak that keeps (some) rain out of your eyes. It also rolls up into its own pocket so you can hang it on your handlebars.
Bright yellow one, ARGOS, £12.
I have not purchased these yet, but they look like a great idea for those who don’t mind getting a little wet. They seem a good half-way house to avoid overheating with full waterproof trousers … two Dutch companies make these …
Gah the rain! All moaning about a drought and then it all comes at once like London Buses!
I cycled all through the rain everyday this week and chose not to cycle today (Friday) and guess what, no rain! Typical!
Anyhow, I wear a helmet now that I have moved onto a road bike so my head is fairly dry but I wear a rain jacket which as others mention are never totally waterproof! A really heavy downpour and you are better off just cycling in a t-shirt. I also have the problem of getting really hot in rain clothing so try to wear it as little as possible.
I have a pair of shorts which I dont mind getting dirty so I dont mind the spray as my road bike has no eyelets or space for mudguards! Even if it did I would not spoil the looks over a bit or rain and in this weather wet legs is not a problem.
The shoes. I have overshoes but somehow water always still seeps into the shoes from the top but not as much if I didnt have any.
Last but not least the mega fail of my collection. My Hump rucksack cover. My fault really for not buying the waterproof version (how was I to know that they would just sell a damn yellow bag cover with no other purpose!) I now resort to stuffing my clothing in a plastic bag inside the rucksack and this does the trick.
Rain really is a nuisance!
Goonz – I have the “waterproof” version of the Hump cover. Guess what? It’s not waterproof!
Ouch! Glad I didn’t fork out the extra £££ for the ‘delux’ version then!
I might just have to staple plastic sheeting into the inside of it!
I find a thick plastic bag within my backpack works better than any cover. Currently sporting a thick Cycle Surgery bag neatly tucked into my drenched backpack.
Wouldn’t change a wet road for a train in a million years.
Yesterday we had wind and freezing rain (and the personal tragedy of the saddle bolt breaking and therefore riding the last four miles standing up in the pedals – constantly reminding myself, “don’t get impaled, don’t get impaled”). My non-cycling wind resistant, water repelent actually did the trick for my upper half (it was cats and dogs out, not just a small bit). The only bad part is that it doesn’t cover my bottom completely, so trickle, trickle, trickle, down you-know-where: that is just not a pleasant feeling.
My (purchased on clearance) Altura Urban Pannier remained nice and dry on the inside, and vision was improved by the helment cover and the fact that I use Rain-X on my cycling glasses when I clean them. If you aren’t familiar with Rain-X, it is a treatment for your car windshield that makes the water bead up nicely and then just slide off. It also helps with the annoying little bits of rain as well as the sheets of rain.
… that should actually read “My non-cycling wind resistant, water repelent JACKET….”
Mmmm….this is always the conundrum that UK based cyclists have to face and over the years I have been cycling I have decided to take the “minimalist” approach to waterproof clothing due to convenience and practicality – I’m a great believer in that skin is waterproof and easier to clean.
For the feet, (depending on weather) I either use a combination to Seal Skinz waterproof socks and neoprene over shoes (if the rain is heavy, like this week) – the main reason for the over shoes isn’t necessarily to keep my feet dry but to prevent my SPD shoes from getting waterlogged as I commute between 30-40 miles a day.
For the body, I just wear a hi-viz Altura “Night Life” jacket to try and keep the worst of the wet outside without cooking myself.
For the head, as I wear a lid everywhere (nowadays-another story) I use a Seal Skinz waterproof skull cap during the winter months and for the rest of the year I just use a standard “multitube” – I’ve found wearing too much on the head might keep you dry but you can cook and sweat in your eyes stings more than rain water.
For the legs, well I tend to just wear either lycra bib tights or shorts, with a pair of light cotton cargo shorts over the top (for the pockets) and only in the depth of winter do I wear a pair of light weight “yacht trousers” over the lycra that are quick drying and water resistant but not water proof.
For the hands, well down to personal choice it does tend to be mitts most of the year but when it is wet and cold I do wear Altura waterproof gloves.
So for me, I tend to concentrate on the body core and the extremities – hands and feet, all the rest can get wrinkly and dry out later (usually after a shower at work!).
In terms of waterproof bags (at a much cheaper price than cycle-specific ones I imagine) I am surprised no one has mentioned a great company called AlpKit:
Waterproof rucksack, around £23 – http://www.alpkit.com/gourdon
Drybags to go in a regular rucksack from £3.50 – http://www.alpkit.com/shop/cart.php?target=product&product_id=16316&category_id=253
I have one of both and they’re great, lovely customer service too. A handwritten thank you note with each order, that sort of thing.
Forget about these expensive Gore-Tex gear and the like-Get yourself some Regatta waterproof and breathable packaway jackets and overtrousers –They are light ,cheap and fold away into nothing and I swear by them rather than at them for keeping me dry in the down pours –And remember guys always kit out your bikes with full mudguards -Better a clean rear end than a mucky one !
Don’t agree that any overtrousers will do. I bought a pair from a well known motor accessories and cycling store which were designed for multi-sport use, specifically including cycling. They were fine for walking but the pedalling movements in cycling caused them to ride up over the ankles allowing water to soak through my socks and into my shoes. Also, the closure at the ankles was too loose so one overtrouser leg could flap into the chain.
Cycling overtrousers need to be slightly longer than the norm and to have closures which keep the trouser bottoms fairly tight on the leg.
I agree with other posters that a helmet cover is essential if you’ve got a ventilated helmet.
All of it needs washing and re-proofing to maintain breathability and waterproofing properties.
I tend to wear bib tights under my Tenn front only waterproof trousers and they r great only paid a tenner for them 3yrs ago and they r still going strong add this with light fully waterproof jacket (dare2be) from halfords and neoprene endura mt500 overshoes have never let me down I don’t use a lid cover as I get hot Up top and gloves I use r a cheap half finger as my hands roast in full gloves just have 1 issue I do have is with my glass as soon as I slow rite down or come to a stop they fog over so I have to drop them down my nose so I can carry on Up to a speed for them to clear agen
I never have any worries about cycling in rain tbh. I have sks race blades on 3 bikes and full mudguards on another, so road spray isn’t a problem.
As for my body, I swear by altura night vision jackets- I always wear one, either the full waterproof or the windproof which I wash with waterproofing products. My legs rarely get wet either, as I usually wear endura trousers which are lightweight but very waterproof (although I think they aren’t marked as such). Even if I don’t wear the enduras, I tend to wear craghoppers trousers which are OK in light showers, but in heavy rain I break out regatta waterproof trousers (£15 from an outdoor shop locally). Hands are either bare if it’s warm, or snugly encased in seal skinz waterproof gloves. As for getting wet feet, well treated (waterproofing sprayed) mtb spds do the job nicely. I haven’t been soaked on a ride for the past 4 or 5 years, all down to my choice of kit.
If you get soaked you’re doing something wrong… haha. 🙂
After getting drenched, I now opt for regatta over trousers, crag hoppers waterproof jacket with hood to go over my baseball cap, and waterproof walking boots. I now actually enjoy riding in the rain knowing that the sky can open as much as it likes and I’ll be nice and dry. As far as bags go, I thing a nice set of ortliebs need to replace my bin-bag in a rucksack.
This one probably won’t work too well for the men, but I usually wear a waterproof mac, skirt, tights (my legs get wet but dry quickly) and leather boots that I’ve sprayed with waterproofing spray. I put the collar up on my coat and tuck my hair in — that plus a Bern helmet keeps my hair dry.
Generally I get to work looking presentable (except today, when I parked my bike and then waited to cross the road at a pedestrian crossing where I was hit by a bus-created tidal wave — but there’s really nothing that can be done about that).
Oh Emily I feel for ya I got had by a moped today myself I went round a huge puddle to then get soaked by the moved rider who decided he couldn’t wait for me to move outa his way, but did get my own back on him a set off traffic lite with a swift last hand to the back of his helmet lol
For those who just wear normal trainers/shoes these overshoes might be good
I’ve just ordered some. Hopefully they’ll stop my Duffs from soaking up the earth’s water supply!
I just want to alert people not to buy a raincoat from Water Off A Ducks Back. I bought 2 coats from their website but they did not fit so I returned them. I have not received a refund or indeed any communication about the refund even though I have called and emailed many times. I even got my sister in London to contact them, but still no joy. They may have gone out of business but their website is still taking money. Please do not trust them with your money – I am still owed about 300 pounds!
I’ll back you up on that. I ordered a men’s Mac for £140, cancelled after waiting two months and now after two weeks there’s been no refund. I’m worried that I’m not going to see my money again. Having googled Water Off A Ducks Back for complaints I’ve seen more incidents like this too. PLEASE SPEND YOUR HARD EARNED MONEY ELSEWHERE!
I’ve finally found what, I hope, is the best rainproof jacket; it was recommended to me by my brother-in-law. It’s made by Rohan. Expensive, yes, but appears to be superior to anything I’ve found yet. http://road.cc/content/review/57904-rohan-elite-stormer-jacket it was on offer for £160 when I bought it about 4 months ago.