Monthly feature: London Cyclist rounds up all the news that you shouldn’t miss out on as a cyclist and hand delivers you the most interesting bits. God were good to you!
Miami is trying to become a more bicycle friendly city and the mayor has started an initiative whereby certain central roads are restricted to just cyclists and pedestrians. This idea could work quite well in London, the nearest example I can think of is the London Freewheel.
Another great idea that could encourage more people to cycle is getting paid to commute by bike. That is exactly what Anna from the Bike Skirt Blog is eligible for. Wouldn’t it be great if you got paid a pound a day to cycle?
Sticking to the theme of great ideas the light lane by Alex Tee and Evan Gant involves a light projected from the back of the bicycle onto the road creating a virtual cycle lane. This helps drivers to calculate how much distance they should allow between the car and your bicycle.
In other news the BBC World Radio service has produced a three part podcast series on bicycles and how their usage has changed, it may be worth having a listen to. Also in the UK press James May (who presents Top Gear) discusses the difficulties and benefits of cycling by taking us through his daily commute [via Bike Hugger].
From the London Cyclist archive:
Have you checked out our speedy cycling tips? They may help you make your daily commute even faster.
Hope you enjoyed the news roundup, if you have any comments for improvements let me know!
This guy is an outrage:
how dare he write stuff like this about cyclists.