I’ve launched a fun little side project today to London Cyclist which should complement some of the things we cover here on the blog. It’s the London Cyclist Shop (creative naming, I know) which aims to sell only a small selection of some of the best cycling gear we’ve previously reviewed and loved.
The first product I’m testing the water with, is the Tigra iPhone bike mount. The product is also part of the idea from which the shop came from. I was getting a lot of reports of dodgy fake copies of the Tigra mount circulating on the internet and I wanted to be sure I was directing readers to the correct product. Then, I thought to myself, why don’t I just sell it through the blog?
This would mean I could be sure of its quality and help people decide if the product is suitable for them.
I can’t really say for sure which products will follow but it’s an exciting side project and we can see where it leads.
The good news is, to celebrate the launch I’m able to offer the Tigra mount at a strong discount. Normally, it costs £39.99. However, until the end of August it is £29.95 with free delivery. I rave about the Tigra mount all the time so it’s a good chance to grab it at a nice discount.
Have a quick click around the shop and if you’ve got any thoughts then drop me a line in the comments or by email.
Cool, hope this in no way effects your reviews. Also have you tried a Topeak iPhone drybag mount yet?
Reviews will remain as always impartial. As I said I’ll only ever sell products I’ve highly enjoyed using myself and think others would like. The Drybag is on my list of reviews – I’ve also got in the pipeline new Knog Wearable bike lights, cycling shorts and a new accessory for Android phones that will be useful to cyclists – so much to do!
If you need a hand testing that Android phone mount, let me know! 😉