The team that created the popular site Jogging Buddy is aiming to make it easier for cyclists to find others to cycle with. After all a 70 mile ride can get a little dull after a while.
The site can be joined for free here:
One of the most common emails I get (aside from lots of “give us free publicity” emails from PR companies that can’t even be bothered to look up my name – grrrr!) is an email about the difficulties in finding someone to cycle with. Any site that aims to solve that is good in my books.
Hopefully the site will take off in the UK so share it around!
the best way to find a buddy is to join a cycling club – I have been in the CTC (Cyclist’s Touring Club) and largest National Cycling Organisation for over 20 years, we have lots of club rides and events through the year – and a large network of local groups so even if you go somewhere else in the UK you can always find someone!
@ Sue Booth – I’m a CTC member and my local group meetup is 20 minutes’ cycle away somewhere I’ve never been nor want to hang out. Whilst there’s hundreds if not thousands of cyclists right here on my doorstep (this is London, so distance/time-scales are shrunk). It’s annoying to have only the choice of official-CTC rides, much as I love the CTC’s work and ethic – so I’ve been looking at the internet, but larger organised rides are hard to synchronise with – I want a ‘buddy’ or two who I can just txt the day before, when the weather is looking good, and head off into the countryside with.The more convenient cycling is (physically and organisation-wise), the more likely we’ll all do it, so I’m glad more sites are taking the initiative whilst London’s mayors of ALL flavours give nothing tangible and significant towards cycling.
aaah – fine weather rider! lol. My local CTC rides are 20-30 mins ride away, but I suppose up north we are lucky that it is not all busy roads. Glad you are in CTC, I am just spreading the word to the people out there who do not know about the CTC, and the fact that there are led rides on all sorts of days at all sorts of times. at least you have tried and know where they are!
Happy pedalling! and I am sure you are not that grumpy!