I’ve never been a big fan of riding with SPD pedals in London. Having to clip in and out at all the traffic lights and whenever I have to quickly come to a halt just doesn’t feel that safe. Plus, they are not usually that great for walking around in and they make me look like too much of a cyclist all the time.
Therefore, when Teva got in touch with me about their Links Mountain Biking Shoes and Pinner Biking Shoes I was excited to feature them on the site. What makes the Links shoe special is that they are fitted with technology that repels water. Combine that with their extra tough construction to resist daily wear plus the strong grip design and you’ve got a pretty tempting option for your cycle footwear.
Teva wanted to give away three pairs of shoes to three readers of London Cyclist blog so I thought this would be a great time to find out what footwear everyone uses to cycle in every day. Whether you pedal in flip flops or SPD shoes, leave a comment below and you’ll be entered in to the competition.
Our usual competition rules apply and please note that the smallest size the shoes come in is size 6. Teva also have a wide range of women’s multi sport trainers. To find out more about the Links and Pinner shoes checkout the Teva website.
Thank you for all the entries! The competition is now closed and the winner will be announced shortly!
I always wear trainers…
I’m pleased to announce the winners! They were all selected using the random number generator from Random.ORG
1. Steve Hardy (entry 56)
2. Chris Brown (entry 63)
3. Jon (entry 57)
Congrats to our winners and a special thank you to Teva for offering up this prize to London Cyclist readers.