I really enjoyed Fat Cyclist’s (3rd in our Top 50 bike blogs list) post with his morning routine for getting out of the door and onto the bike. So I thought I would share my experience:
- 8.30 Wake up to the sweet melodies of my favourite Bloc Party song that has since been ruined due to setting it as my alarm tone.
- 8.30 Fall out of bed and onto the hard floor thus waking up my girlfriend
- 8.31 Wait for my housemate to use the toilet who always seems to get the call of nature at the same time as I do
- 8.33 Use toilet
- 8.34 Bump into bike in corridor on my way into kitchen
- 8.34 Swear at bike
- 8.35 Prepare food for work that should have been prepared the day before
- 8.40 Apologise to bike for swearing at it earlier
- 8.40 Place everything I need into my bag including bike chain and food for work
- 8.45 Head upstairs and get back into bed making sure to wake girlfriend up again to get more attention off her
- 9.00 Realise that if I leave for work now I will be late
- 9.10 Get prepared to go by putting bike gear on: helmet, gloves, jacket
- 9.11 Kiss girlfriend goodbye, head back downstairs, carry bike out to front yard
- 9.11 Get on bike
- 9.11 Get off bike
- 9.12 Run back upstairs to pick up wallet and phone
- 9.13 Run downstairs
- 9.13 Onto bike realising I have 1 minute to get to work on time
- 9.14 Frantically pedal through the streets of London
- 9.34 Arrive at work late
- 9.34 Get funny looks off boss
- 9.34 Go grab a shower
Post your routine in the comments so I can compare how disorganised I am compared to everyone else!
I read that as well!! I am usually fairly well organised but have allowed myself to be disuaded by the rain!! And the fact that it is half an hour quicker to go by car – unusual I know!!
Well I reckon I slim lined it when I cycled to work. But then I had no girlfriend to slow me down. Now I have a wife and two kids it takes me a week to get out on a bike.
8:00 up/ bio break
8:05 cereal
8:10 dress
8:15 Load pannier pre-loaded with clean clothes
8:15 Leave
8:30 Pull into work
8:35 shower