North Face are currently calling out for people to talk about the moment just before setting off on the next little adventure. For me I know exactly how it goes..
Messenger bag – check, money, mobile, keys – check. Oh wait where’s my iPhone bike mount? Got it. Run back downstairs. Oh wait where’s my pump? Run back upstairs. Found it, run back down. Is it going to rain today? Run back up, grab cycling jacket. Tyres looking a little flat. I’ll do it when I get home!
Carry the bike down, leg over (!) and then the moment when I know I’m finally ready to go. I push my feet into the pedal straps and the journey begins.
That’s my “Zipper Act” or “Zipper moment”.
At the moment it takes me far too long to get to that point when I’m doing my first pedal stroke. There’s too much “oh will I need that?”. The only thing I’ve managed to solve is having my keys always placed in the same position by the door. Maybe I should be doing that with the rest of my gear!
Anyway, if you want to take part in the “Zipper Act” then there’s a bunch of prizes up for grabs. In-store and online with the grand prize being a weekend away for 2 in the French Alps.
If on Saturday (28th and 4th June) you find yourself anywhere near the Carnaby Street North Face shop then head in and get your pic taken of the “zipper act”.
In the online world..
Upload a pic to this Facebook page of you zipping up your jacket and then get your mates to like the upload.
-Belly=have you eaten?
-Cycle clothing = are they clean?
-Phone =Is it charged?
-Grab house keys
-Grab garage keys
-Fill water bottle
-Wear Helmet!
-Open garage
-Check bike
-Load saddlebag
-Get on
-Strap feet in
-Enjoy Ride!
Like the first check – the most important I’d say 😉
I use the same rucksack whenever I cycle so always have my pump, lights, bike tool, puncture repair kit etc. So my zipper moment is usually ‘grab my bag and go!’
If it’s a commute trip then it’s slightly different. I’m paranoid about geting to work and realising i forgot to bring my shirt or shoes, so I usually double triple check that I have a full compliment of work clothing with me. I also smell my jersey to make sure it’s fresh. A bit minging I know but they don’t call them “smelly hellys” for nothing!
i forgot shoes today – i got funny looks from the friendly security people, fellow smokers, and canteen users and a nice man in the lift for walking around in my socks all day!
My right hand pannier always has the tools, spare inner tubes, pump and wet weather gear in it anyway. And as long as I pump the tyres every week I don’t have to think about them. All that’s left is keys and security access card in my pocket, and work clothes and money in the left hand panier. If I remember my mobile phones then fine but I can live without them.
And then it’s just a matter of wheeling out the bike, clipping the pannier on, resetting the computer, feet into pedals and I’m off.
I thought this would refer to the “oh bugger the damned zipper is stuck again” moment that means you then are late for work / miss the train!
interesting…the bit that frustrates me is like the anti-zipper moment: how long it takes to get off and away from your bike at the other end! it takes me forever!
Stop near appropriate locking up location
Fidget the bike around
Find keys
Unlock lock
Fidget the bike around
Eventually get the lock on and locked
Struggle to get panier off
Take off lights etc from bike
Finally walking away from parked bike…!