Would you like to find London’s best bike shops, cycle cafes, bike rentals and mobile bike repair mechanics?
That’s what the free London Cyclist app aims to do.
To download, search the app store for London Cyclist or:
[button link=”http://bit.ly/ldncyclistapp” color=”green”]Download the London Cyclist app for free[/button]
It’s available for iPhones, iPod Touches and iPads. In future, it will also be making its way to Android devices.
Discounts on bike servicing and more
We’re aiming to partner up with London’s best bike shops to bring you discounts on bike servicing, accessories and more. Our first partnership is with Lunar Cycles, to offer 40% off their comprehensive winter bike servicing, saving you £31.60.
London’s best bike shops
We’ve already personally tried and rated some of the stores in the app and posted our review. Now you have the opportunity to rate the best stores in London and help our readers discover them.
Find the opening times and contact details of all the shops near you. You can even tweet your local bike shop, if they are social media savy, directly from the app.
Learn how to repair your bike at these bike collectives
Fed up with punctures and squeaky brakes? Have an expert show you how to repair your bike. Once you know what you are doing, use their well equipped workshops when you need them.
Find a place to rent a Brompton or a bike for your weekend race
We’ve listed all of London’s bike rentals, where you can get any kind of bike you need. Whether your friend is visiting, your bike is being repaired or you need a different bike for a race, we’ve got it all covered inside the app.
Checkout our featured apps, access the London Cyclist Blog, eShop and more
The app also allows you to see our list of recommended apps for cyclists, as well as see the latest headlines from the London Cyclist blog and get access to the eShop. We’ve also got an area where you can report an accident. You can also join the newsletter, to get a free guide to cycling in London and add bike shops to your favourites.
How do I get a copy of the app?
You can download the app for free, by heading to the app store on your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch and searching for London Cyclist. Please note that you need to have iOS 7 installed. Apparently over 60% of users are already on iOS 7 and it had some cool features we wanted to use, that’s why we decided to focus on the latest iOS update.
What about Android?
Android is next on the list. If the app goes down well with iPhone users, we’ll be expanding it to Android. There was no way we could have developed both at the same time due to the cost. We focused on iPhone first as its easier to develop and we noticed that a larger percentage of visitors on London Cyclist are on iPhones.
How do the discounts work?
We talk to local bike shops and businesses that we’re friends with and trust and arrange for a discount for our readers. To help support development of the app, they pay us a small amount for the placement inside the app. The plan is to have a new discount every month and to send out a notification to readers when a new one is available. To use the discounts you’ll simply need to show the app at the shop. However, you’ll probably need to book before hand by calling the bike shop, that way they can make sure they serve everyone. We’re still a little new to this so I’m sure they’ll be some kinks to figure out.
If you run a bike business in London, get in touch with us, we may be able to work together!
Can I see the app in action?
Yep, checkout our YouTube.
Brakes. Last thing you want on a bike is breaks: squeaky or otherwise 🙂
Ooops thanks for the correction 🙂 That will teach my to write blog posts when I’m tired out!
Love it. Please develop a Windows 7.8 version too.
I would like all these things. Yes I would.
Don’t suppose there’s any eta on the android version at all?